Ghost Town Poetry Open Mic Featuring Poet, Publisher and Collage Artist Kevin Sampsell at Art At the Cave July 11, 2024

Ghost Town Poetry Open Mic

Featuring Kevin Sampsell

Hosted by Christopher Luna and Morgan Paige

7 pm

Thursday, July 11

Art At The Cave

108 E Evergreen Blvd

Vancouver, WA 98660



$5 Suggested donation

No one will be turned away for lack of funds

Donations can be made in person or through Christopher Luna’s PayPal account ( Include a memo stating that the money is for Ghost Town Poetry.

Kevin Sampsell is an editor and publisher (Future Tense Books), bookstore employee (Powell’s Books), collage artist, and author (of the memoir, A Common Pornography, the novel, This Is Between Us, and a forthcoming novel, Baby in the Night). His book of collage art and poems, I Made an Accident, was published by Clash Books in 2022. His newest book, the illustrated story, Sean the Stick (a collaboration with the artist Emma Jon-Michael Frank) came out in January 2024. His stories and essays have appeared in publications and websites such as Southwest Review, Diagram, Salon, The Rumpus, McSweeney’s, Tin House, Paper Darts, Joyland, and Longreads, as well as Best Sex Writing 2012, and Best American Essays 2013. He’s lived in Portland, Oregon since 1992.

November 2024 is the twentieth anniversary of the founding of Ghost Town Poetry Open Mic. This year’s featured readers will include Gay Garland Reed, William Erickson, Bruce Hall, Clark County Poet Laureate Susan Dingle and Debra Elisa.

Send an email to to receive The Work, Christopher Luna’s monthly newsletter featuring news and events for poets in Vancouver, WA, Portland, OR and surrounding areas.

The Ghost Town Poetry community respectfully encourages you to support Niche Wine Bar, whose owner, Leah Jackson, provided a home for the reading series from 2015-2020. Stop by their new location at 900 Washington, Suite 130 Vancouver, WA 98660:

UPDATED Statement on Healthy Spaces from Art at the Cave: We want to provide a healthy space to enjoy art. We have been practicing safety precautions such as regular cleaning, social distancing and mask wearing. As a result of the removal of the mask mandate effective March 12, 2022, we will no longer require the wearing of masks. We encourage you to continue to wear a mask if it makes you feel more comfortable, and we will supply masks and hand sanitizer at the door. As social distancing has become a norm, please be mindful some will still need a bit of personal space while inside the gallery.

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